Lina's relationship with horses and how they inspire her art

Horses as the Mirror of the Soul: An Eternal Source of Inspiration

Horses have always had a special place in my heart and in my art. Their strength, elegance and the unconditional freedom they represent have been a source of inspiration throughout my life. Horses are not just animals to me; they are a mirror of the human soul – a mirror that reflects both our strengths and weaknesses. Over the years I have created a number of works that pay tribute to these majestic beings and the connection we as humans have with them.

Caught in Motion: The Horse in Art

I am deeply fascinated by the movement of the horse - how it moves with such natural grace and power. In my bronze sculptures I try to capture these moments of movement where the horse shows its full beauty and strength. It takes precision and a deep understanding of anatomy to create a sculpture that truly captures the essence of a horse in motion, and I spend a lot of time studying these animals before I start sculpting them in bronze.

Horses as symbols in my paintings

In my paintings, the horse often represents something more than just an animal. It becomes a symbol of freedom, strength and the primal instinct that lies deep in all of us. The colors and shapes I use reflect the soulful nature of the horse and the energy that radiates from its being. Through my equine motifs, I invite the viewer to connect with these animals on a deeper level and reflect on what they can teach us about ourselves.